Buy 3 Get 1 Free on Tuesdays and Wednesdays!
If you live in or around the Berkshires or are visiting the Berkshires, we want you to come to Hilltop Orchards in Richmond, Mass this spring! It’s beautiful in our orchards - buds and, soon, blooms. And it’s warm and cozy in our farm store - perfect for cider and wine tastings…and buying. When you come visit on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, we have a Johnny Mash Ciders and Furnace Brook Winery special: Buy 3 Get 1 Free!

3 Delicious Hard Cider Cocktails for the Holidays
These 3 delicious JMASH Hard Cider cocktails will get you in the festive holiday spirit. Mix our JMASH Hard Cider – the best tasting hard apple cider - with quality spirits and drink responsibly.